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Brass Snooker Chalk (2023)
This month’s edition features chalk that won’t leave your hands all messy.
Miami Mountain (2016)
This month’s edition features a colourful landmark for the culture vultures of Miami Beach.
The London Mastaba (2016-18)
This month’s edition features 7,506 brightly coloured barrels floating in the Serpentine.
The Rose (1958-66)
This month’s edition took eight years to make. The work, not the article!
Acre of Green (2007)
This month’s edition features an abstract colour tapestry made from pure pigment on steel.
Self (2006)
This month’s edition features a self portrait made from the artist’s own blood.
Red Radish / Scallion (2012)
This month’s edition features life-sized, hand blown glass sculptures.
Babel (2001)
This month’s edition features hundreds and hundreds of radios, all turned on at once.