The Coffee Art Project

In between espressos and a lot of filter samples I stumbled over to a quiet corner at Truman Brewery (@TrumanBrewery) yesterday where The Coffee Art Project (@CoffeeArtProject) had set up shop on the second floor of the London Coffee Festival (@LondonCoffeeFestival)

I was pretty over-caffeinated by the time I got there, so I didn’t get to count how many works were on show. Maybe probably about 40-50 in total, all priced at a few hundred £ or less, with all proceeds going to Project Waterfall (@Project_Waterfall) — “the charity of choice for the coffee industry, working to end the water crisis in our lifetime”.

Here are five that caught my eye:

Image 1 = “Pacate Ingeresti” by Elena Bissinger — oil on canvas, 60 x 60 cm

Image 2 = Detail of “Pacate Ingeresti” 

Image 3 = “Café sin Diamantes” by Roberto Gutiérrez Currás (@RobertoGCurras) — mixed media, 25 x 25 cm

Image 4 = “Square of Yirgacheffe 2019” by Martynas Pekarskas (@aliejusantdrobes) — coffee grounds on canvas, 60 x 60 cm

Image 5 = Detail of “Square of Yirgacheffe 2019”

Image 6 = “Climpsons” by Fiona Charalambous — Acrylic & Watercolour on Wood

Image 7 = “Acrylic on Jute” by Johan Milosevic — acrylic on jute, 140 x 100 cm

Image 8 = Detail of “Acrylic on Jute” 

Image 9 = The poster for the show, which states: “The Coffee Art Project is an international art competition aimed at showcasing the talents of emerging and established artists, with work linked to the theme of coffee and coffee culture.

Image 10 = BONUS: Five other things that caught my eye. Or, rather, my taste buds. @area51coffeeroasters @dimellocoffeeuk @hasbean @RedemptionRoasters


2022 - Issue 13

