Rubell Museum

Basquiat, Haring, Hirst, Anselm Kiefer, Koons, not one but TWO Kusama infinity rooms and a whole heap of names contemporary art aficionados would nod approvingly at.

The Rubell collection is the Desert Island Discs of contemporary art. If it was a basketball team, it would be the 1992 US Olympic Dream Team. The Rubells can justifiably say “been there, done, that, bought the t-shirt” and now they’re selling t-shirts in their very own gift shop. If you had their collection you’d probably open a 50,000 Sq Ft museum too.

It’s mind boggling how one couple has managed to acquire so many big and notable names. Then again, with 7,200 works, the law of averages pretty much dictates they’re gonna hit a few homers.

Even though the galleries are stacked I found a few new names amongst a lot of fan favourites:

Image 1 = #KaariUpson sadly passed away earlier in the year, which means my chances of ever acquiring one of her amazing silicone cast mattresses is now incredibly slim

It’s fascinating to compare the ghostly plaster work of @KaronDavis (Image 2) and #ThomasHouseago (Image 3)

Image 4 = I can’t decide if I’m more engrossed by the multi-eyed visuals from @GenesisTramaine or the fact that they’re made using Gravy Master Browning Sauce and the Holy Spirit

Black portraiture has rightfully been given long overdue wall space this year. @otis_quaicoe (Image 5), @KehindeWiley (Image 7) and @AmoakoBoafo (Image 6) — who is technically finger painting! — clearly justify why with their exceptional works

From the Tokyo stylings of @takashipom (Image 8) and @michinara3 (Image 9) to the Hardy Boys inspired works exploring youth and homosexuality by Miami native @HernanBas (Image 10) — the works on display are incredibly wide ranging

I began to wonder what’s still in storage and thought it would be interesting to see a entire show of off-cuts. Maybe next time…

Visit or @rubellmuseum on Instagram


S. Florida Art Roundup
